Dr. Amy Stark

Child Psychologist, Author & Speaker

Specializing in:
Teaching Families How to Live Divorced
and Self-Esteem for Girls and Boys

Dr. Stark's Books, Workshops,
and Blogs

Dr. Stark's Books, Workshops,
and Blogs

You are More Than : A Primer for Finding Light in Your Heart explains with clear examples “who you are is more than what you see on the outside.” The beautiful illustrations give children and teens an opportunity to explore how they are part of the world around them. You are More Than explores the idea that this life-affirming connection gives a person purpose and a chance to be of service.

Order the Books

Whole Heart for Girls

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Listen to podcast

Whole Heart for Boys

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Whole Heart for Young Women:

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Listen to podcast

Workshops and speaking engagements:

Self-esteem or lack of it begins early. Children get criticized and learn to be critical. They get teased and learn to feel victimized. They see parents who do not love themselves and believe they aren’t lovable either.

When we can start at the very beginning, with an understanding of always being lovable, then we can make mistakes and it’s ok. I wrote the books Whole Heart for Girls and Whole Heart for Boys to help parents begin to discuss self-esteem with their children at a younger age, by reading about it, discussing it and hopefully demonstrating it.

Dr. Stark offers WHOLE HEART FOR GIRLS workshops and presentations for parents, teachers, and girls (ages 6-12) or young women (ages 13-21). Call to schedule (714) 547-1456

Dr. Stark's Blog Posts

Playing Barbies

When I was growing up, I loved my Barbie doll. I never expected to look like her when I grew up…she was a doll.

The Process of Self-Esteem

We live in a fast food, fast paced world where we want ‘ instant’ everything. Self esteem is not ‘instant”. It is a process.


So, now that sexting is all over the news, what do you say to your kids? To your teens, who already knew about it by the way, you talk about self esteem issues involved.

Support System

Recently I had a situation happen that upset me. I went to a colleague and asked for support. Instead of an understanding ear, I received a shame session.

The Sensitive Soul

Sensitivity can be both a blessing and a curse. When someone is sensitive they are usually keenly aware of the feelings and social nuances of everyone around them.

The Importance Of Play

There are many things I love about being a therapist and working with children. One of them is that I get to play

Busy, Busy

At the last office where I rented space , the general manager of the entire complex would always ask how I was and wonder if I was working hard. His way of saying it was a greeting of “busy, busy?”.

Busy, Busy Part 2

So, what do you do when you feel overbooked and overwhelmed? Firstly, take out your daytimer or schedule and seriously take a look at it. When was the last time you did…

Being Connected

Another important way in which to increase your sense of self is by reaching out to those around you. It takes just a few moments to make a difference.


Its the New Year–a new chance to begin to dream and change parts of yourself and your life. Have you taken the time to sit and reflect about what you might like to achieve this next year?

* Disclaimer:
Dr. Stark's Web site is not intended to take the place of a court-ordered advice or the advice of another professional. Although you may use the input found here to your best advantage, we recommend that you do so in conjunction with the work that you are doing with your individual therapist. Remember: this Web site is not therapy; it's knowledge and support.

All content © Dr. Amy Stark / Disclaimer

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